Friday 15 February 2008

Aboutbooks - Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austin

Do you love me? Good question! I have been married for nearly 28 years so I should be well equipped to answer this question yet I don't know what to say. I love my husband very, very much, but if I start making a list it of all the things I like about him, that obviously attract me to him - is that the same as saying why I love him? I hope you are still with me!

I have actually never been able to answer this question except by saying that I don't know why I love him, I just know that I do!

When I think about it, if I said I loved him because of his DIY skills, his good looks or his money, then I might be in love with those things rather than him - and you know what people do when any of these things go, they might suddenly feel they are out of love! Perhaps like in Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, when Lucy (who had been secretly engaged to Edward for five years) suddenly switches her affections to his brother Robert who will now inherit the money! Had she actually been in love with Edward? Was she now in love with Robert?

Yesterday, today and tomorrow... Do you love me? This is a question that is always going to affect us and our families in some way or another. If you would like to think more about this subject why not watch my favourite film Sense and Sensibility, and see what you make of it.

Funnily enough, I have the same problem when trying to answer why I love God. I am a Christian who loves God passionately, but don't know why. I just know that I do. I could soon list all the reasons why I like him, why I like his company, and why I like to listen to him...

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