Yesterday, in Japan, it was Children's Day According to The Canadian Press, Japan is having huge problems because of the lack of children about and will continue to have many problems into the future.
I was born in Uruguay. I love God, life, and my wonderful husband. I am so proud of my son Philip (doctor) and his girlfriend Rebecca (law). My daughter Sarah is my best friend (Leicester University). I'm also passionate about the Salvation Army (my Church).
Now the fruit of the Spirit is patience, And the fruit of the Spirit is peace, The fruit of the Spirit is gentleness, And joy that will never cease. The gift of the Spirit is healing, And hope for the darkest hour, The gift of the Spirit is love, yes, love and power, and power. John Gowans
About My Blog Titles
I am a teetotaller. I choose not to drink alcohol so you might well wonder why I use the words vineyard, harvest and vintage, words usually associated with wine making and wine tasting to name my blogs! I like these words because they help me communicate my journey of faith very well. If I was a fruit I would be a grape. I like to drink grape juice from a tall glass and I enjoy the sight of vineyards. Grapes grow in a vineyard, ripen for the harvest and mature into a vintage drink, biblical metaphors which beautifully mirror my own spiritual journey.
A Vineyard in New Zealand
About This Blog
This is a light-hearted blog where I will publish items that are going to inevitably tell you about me (Oh dear!) How I tick...How my brain works...How I think...Things about my past...How I came to be where I am... and about my life at the moment. If you would like to read more then feel free to visit my other blogs, From Marta's Harvest (a behind the scenes look at my preparations for Sunday worship) and From Marta's Vintage (which provides my own devotional material).
Flowers I like
Poppies (photo by jikamajoja - used with Creative Commons licence)
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